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Nicola Yoon

The sun is also a a star- review

The next book I read this month was called 'The sun is also a star' by Nicola Yoon. I read 'everything everything' and absolutely loved it and as soon as i knew this was out I couldn't wait to read it. Although, i was worried it wouldn't be as good as everything everything. It was better. It was incredible! This sounds incredibly cheesy, but It changed the way I looked at both people and life.

It was about two very different characters. One of them believes in fate, one of them believes in science. Daniel is half American and Half Korean. Although he's always lived in America, his parents have always wanted him to be and act purely Korean. Eat korean food, do Korean things, and marry a korean woman. Nothing else is acceptable. Daniel is a big believer in Destiny so when he first catches sight of Natasha he knows it is for a reason.

Natasha is Jamaican and her family moved to America because of her father. He has always wanted to be a famous actor but is not making any money. They are very poor. She is no longer allowed in america because her fathers visa is no longer legal there so she's fighting and giving every reason why she should be aloud to stay in America. Natasha is an absolute realist and does not believe in fate. She believes in facts, science and definitely not that everything happens for a reason. Definitely not that the universe controlled her and Daniel to meet. And, she definitely does not believe in love.

They meet when Natasha has her headphones plugged in, is crossing a road and nearly gets run over. Daniel pulls him back and saves her life. As soon as he has one look at her, he knows that he will love her forever.

Throughout the book, Daniel is asking her questions which are from a website that "make you and your partner fall in love." He keeps persuading her to stay together in the day, but Natasha still hasn't told her that she's having a meeting for a appeal to stay in America, and if he doesn't let her stay, then she's leaving that night. If she leaves, there is no way they can be together.

Throughout the book, there a glimmers of hope for both the reader and Natasha. Daniel and Natasha falling in love with each other will defy all odds, but Daniel doesn't care what anyone thinks of them together. Their parents, strangers, ex's, anyone. Natasha doesn't admit that she's in completely and utterly in love for a very long time. Never the less, Daniel absolutely knows that she is.

Every chapter is very different in being that it is either from the universes point of view, Natasha's point of view, or Daniels point of view. It also gives you points of information from unknown sources about characters, objects or parts in the book which have not yet been explained.

While throughout the book, Daniel is persuading Natasha that everything happens for a reason, and how beautiuful and amazing life is, he's also telling the reader these important messages about life.

The tital is one thing that I love. The reason for this is it represents the book. It's optimistic, bright, uplifting and clever, just like the book. The tital made me want to read the book, and once you've finished the book, you see that the tital mirrors the story.

As each chapter was from a different point of view of each character, the characters were described from themselves and each other, which meant you got to know them in an amazing way. It felt like you had met them, and if something bad happened to them, I found myself very upset!

The plot in the story was actually very different from other books, as not only was it about love and romance, but it was teaching you that science and fate are both very important aspects and you should think about both when your living. This is because both characters have completely different thoughts about life and they are constantly teaching and telling each other how theres is both so important. It subtely but very cleverly gives you amazing ways to live you life, and it also shows you how important love is.

The ending was the best bit! I was crying when I turned to the last page but then I realised there was an epilouge, thank god! The epilogue created the best ending I've ever read in any book! It was so clever and I really wasn't expecting it when i read the last chapter before the epilogue. It created a character that you think is irrelavant to the book, turn in to the most important person. It teaches you that some things can really make a difference to both people and what happens in life. It also teaches you that every single person is equally important.

Overall, I will be recommending this to every one of my friends. And I know this is one of those books that I will remember forever. It was the best book I've read this year and I really want to read it all again! I would recommend this to people age 12-13+, and although it fits in to teen fiction I would recommend it to adults.

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